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Monday, October 26, 2009

The Perfect Time... Veterans Essay

There are many times we could honor our military heroes for all that they do for us, but there are some better, “more perfect” times time to honor our military heroes. When is that? Is a question that we all ask ourselves at some point in time. When should we take a moment out of the day and just think to ourselves that someone is across the world fighting for us just so that we always stay safe. Getting injured, shot, some even killed just to keep our lives safe and with one less worry off our minds. But maybe we should put them into our minds a little more often, even just once a week.
When you are sitting at work or school—bored, having nothing to, think of the soldiers; the ones fighting for our lives, even think of the ones who have already fought. They have already sacrificed their lives; willing to die for our country. Maybe you know someone who was in the army, or someone who was a marine or pilot in the war, or maybe you know someone who is over there right now and you just pray every day hoping that when it is there time to come back to the U.S. they will—safely.
There is a time in history that made our country change and that day is the day we call 9/11. On September 11 something very tragic happened to our country—we were attacked. Something that we never thought would happen to us. Many lives were lost that day and many people were severely injured. But there were still the firemen, and the police men who still helped everybody they could. They could have been hurt or killed too from something falling on them or crushing them but they still went in. They too, risked their lives for others and that did happen as well. Some firemen were lost that day which is why they too should be honored as much as military heroes. Maybe they are not heroes for the United States but they do their duty and they might put their lives in danger as well.
There are many times to honor our military heroes but then again there should be a time that we honor the heroes that work around us. The ones in our communities that keep us safe too.

1 comment:

  1. This has some really good points, but lacks the discipline of edit and revision. We all need to understand the value, and necessity to edit our work carefully.
